Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Training a chick: the sequel

I had a training session tonight but instead of the usual exuberance I feel kind of down although it was a great work-out. There was no competition today, just lesson. It's a bummer realising how many things I have been doing wrong - but then again I can now finally start doing them right.
Starting out at the university beginners class was a great idea at the time. But it's not taken so seriously, it's let's say an introduction to the basics of fencing for two months and then just free fencing.
So now I have to correct all these things I have been doing wrong for the past few months which is in itself harder than learning something right from the beginning.
Like my new coach said today: "How can you build a house if the fundaments are weak?"
I shall continue then with my list of do's and don'ts hoping someone else can benefit from it too.
  • Never ever shift your torso forward during a lunge! In other words don't lean, you should cover the distance needed to hit the target using your legs.
  • Lunge with the heel of the front foot taking off last off the ground but not very high. It should land first on the ground too. (A trick to check if you are doing it right: place a coin under your heel, if you lunge and it has moved you are doing it right.)
  • The shoulder holding the weapon should be loose, not tense.
  • The end of the grip of the Epee is meant to be right in the middle of the palm and pressing lightly on it- not in the air.
I also had technique problems with my parries but I don't want to go into such great detail now. There's one way to fence the right way and that is to practice hard and be corrected upon again and again.
 I shall leave it to that and go to bed thinking of what my coach replied to my complaints tonight:  you are 25 you can do everything. :)


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm glad to see there is someone else who puts so much thought into their training as well.

    And don't worry about the things that are hard now. The best part is always a couple months down the road when you look back and realize the things that were such challenges are now second nature. :)

  2. Hey Courtney, as I said your blog is an inspiration in many ways!!! I have placed it on my "Blog List" at the bottom of the page for other people to read too. I think it's just great that it's written from a female fencer's point of view. I haven't really found that much stuff online on women's fencing. So thank you for sharing and for your kind words :)
