Saturday, August 20, 2011

fencing workout tips

Next week  I'm going to a fencing camp :D So I'm trying to get a bit into shape cause I haven't fenced in nearly 2months. I'm sure the 16 year-olds are going to tire me out prancing up and down the piste but I'm going to try! I've been doing some rope skipping, lunges and stretches but I have been too lazy to go jogging etc. Today on the beach I ran in the water and tried a few basic exercises as shown on the following video, I found it very effective due to the resistance but also thanx to the waves.


  1. Is it the expensive fencing camp?
    These waterexercises sure look funny ;)

    Have fun!

  2. Hey Beno, not very expensive, 320euros for 10 days all included plus 3 meals a day. Hehe,yes it was funny yesterday.. some people were staring :D
