Wednesday, September 21, 2011

funny fencing dictionary

(stolen from

ABSTAIN French for "so sorry, I wasn't paying attention"
ADVANCE Forward motion made by male fencers toward female fencers, usually resulting in a slap across the face.
ATTACK IN PREPARATION When you sneak up and hit your opponant while they're still putting on their gear.
BALLESTRA A male ballerina
BARRAGE Shelling your opponent with cannon fire from several miles away
BEAT How you feel after fencing
CHANGE OF ENGAGEMENT Selecting a new fiancee
CORPS-A-CORPSE French for "full contact fencing"
CROISE A french pastry
DEROBEMENT The houdini like motions required to escape fencing jackets
DISENGAGE Getting rid of your fiancee, usually by fencing too much
EN GARDE French for "On Guard", a paranoid state in which the fencer believes everyone is out to kill him/her
FEINT what you do after fencing too long, in full uniform, on a hot summer day. Also known as heat stroke.
FEEBLE What old fencers usually become
FLECHE What fencers do it in
FORTE What permanent en garde fencers live in
ONE-TWO Basic fencing dance step, followed by Cha-Cha-Cha
PASSE Close maneuver made by male fencers toward female fencers, always resulting in the male fencer being Maced
POMMEL Beating your opponent senseless with the hilt of your sword
REDOUBLEMENT Pause during the bout for the fencer to take another breath mint (In preparation for an ADVANCE or a PASSE)

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